In November the Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association (KEHPCA) hosted Kenya’s 5th National Palliative Care Conference in Nairobi. The conference theme “Investing in Palliative Care for Universal Health Coverage” brought together professionals working with both children and adults, hospices
Evelyne’s Story
Evelyne and her family live in a small flat in Umoja, a deprived and crowded area of Nairobi. Evelyne was diagnosed with cervical cancer in June at the age of just 37. She has had two courses of chemotherapy but
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2018
Today is World Hospice and Palliative Care Day; a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world. This year’s event takes place under the banner, “Because I matter”, a theme which highlights the
Community outreach changing lives – Elizabeth’s story
Elizabeth, an 85 year old widow, lives a subsistence life on her small plot of land. Unable to afford treatment for cervical cancer, the care she receives from Siaya Roselyn Hospice has been a life-line. The care and compassion that
Bringing palliative care to rural communities
As part of our project to expand community palliative care in Kenya, Nyeri Hospice is working hard to train 60 community health volunteers. Nyeri County in central Kenya has a large rural population, where many live remotely from any health
Poverty is killing children with cancer in Kenya
Thanks to advances in diagnosis and medical treatments, survival rates for most types of childhood cancer in developed countries have improved in recent years, with up to 80% of children surviving. However, this is in stark contrast to the situation
Mapping the development of palliative care in Africa
The first mapping study of palliative care in Africa has been launched by the African Palliative Care Association. Their Atlas of Palliative Care in Africa 2017 provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the development of palliative care across the continent.