The team at Nyeri Hospice in central Kenya have been working hard on bringing day care services to people with life-limiting illness. Nyeri’s Day Care service, supported by Hospice Care Kenya, brings together people of diverse ages and needs, but
Community outreach changing lives – Elizabeth’s story
Elizabeth, an 85 year old widow, lives a subsistence life on her small plot of land. Unable to afford treatment for cervical cancer, the care she receives from Siaya Roselyn Hospice has been a life-line. The care and compassion that
Bringing palliative care to rural communities
As part of our project to expand community palliative care in Kenya, Nyeri Hospice is working hard to train 60 community health volunteers. Nyeri County in central Kenya has a large rural population, where many live remotely from any health
Ann’s Story
Ann (pictured right) lives alone on a small farm near the town of Nyeri. She has advanced breast cancer. Like many Kenyans, she has no money for surgery or chemotherapy. She relies on her daughter Grace (left) and her hospice
Mapping the development of palliative care in Africa
The first mapping study of palliative care in Africa has been launched by the African Palliative Care Association. Their Atlas of Palliative Care in Africa 2017 provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the development of palliative care across the continent.