Valary (right) together with a hospice volunteer

Valary aged 17, lived a normal life as a teenager, enjoying school and living with her family in rural Eldoret. She first noticed her leg had began to swell in mid-2023. Initially dismissing it, her family soon sought help from a herbalist, but the swelling persisted and worsened. Starting to worry, her mother travelled with Valary to their nearest hospital where tests revealed a devastating diagnosis: osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. Worse still, Valary was told that to save her life, her leg needed to be amputated.

The amputation was a profound shock. Valary struggled with crutches, her family depleted their savings, and extended family distanced themselves, fearing her illness. Her battle continued with gruelling chemotherapy sessions, causing severe side effects; she nearly felt like giving up.

During this struggle, the Hospice Care Kenya supported Catherine McCauly Hospice was there to support Valary and her family every step of the way. The hospice became her sanctuary. The compassionate staff provided essential medical care, emotional support, and ensured she never missed a chemotherapy session by arranging transport. When Valary started treatment, she weighed just 18 kilograms, the average weight of a 5-year-old child in the UK. Through dedicated care and nutrition, she gradually reached a healthier 35 kilograms.

Valary describes her journey with bone cancer

The hospice’s holistic support gave Valary courage and strength. Counselling sessions taught her resilience and hope. The psychosocial support also brought comfort to her grieving mother.

“All the stress I had before I started receiving care from the hospice has gone away. The pain I was going through has reduced, and because of the money I was given for transport, I have not missed any of my chemotherapy sessions. During the facility staff end-of-year party, my mother and I were the guests of honour, and I felt so much love. The love I have been shown has made me realize that despite my condition, many people still care for me, and this has given me hope to live.”


Valary’s journey from despair to hope highlights the incredible impact of compassionate care. Through the unwavering support of Catherine McCauly Hospice, she found strength, resilience and hope.

Please donate today to help us bring compassion, comfort and care to more children and families in Kenya, like Valary.

Valary’s story
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