Joab Andiego supported and raised his family as a small-scale farmer in Siaya County. Growing maize, vegetables and keeping a small herd of cattle, Joab secured his livelihood, and built a reputation for hard work and farming knowledge in his community. But when he began losing weight, experiencing severe fatigue, and struggling to swallow, his once-active life took a drastic turn.

Initially dismissing his symptoms as work-related exhaustion, Joab sought medical help only when his condition worsened. After multiple consultations, he was diagnosed with advanced oesophageal cancer. The news was devastating. Unable to farm, his family faced financial hardship, and the physical and emotional toll of his illness left him feeling helpless.

With support from Hospice Care Kenya, Joab received support which covered his medical insurance, transport for essential tests and regular palliative care provided by dedicated nurses. Pain management and guidance for Joab’s family in how to care for him at home helped him regain strength, easing his ability to eat and preparing him for chemotherapy. Psychosocial counselling also gave Joab and his family the emotional resilience to face this difficult journey.

Today, while Joab’s battle with cancer continues, he no longer faces it alone. With palliative care, his dignity, comfort, and hope have been restored.

Palliative care has really helped me manage the pain and feel more comfortable. The support from the hospice team has given me strength and I’m holding on to the belief that things can get better

~Joab Andiego

Please donate today to help others in Kenya facing a cancer diagnosis.

Joab’s story
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