The team at Nyeri Hospice in central Kenya have been working hard on bringing day care services to people with life-limiting illness. Nyeri’s Day Care service, supported by Hospice Care Kenya, brings together people of diverse ages and needs, but all with experience of living with life-limiting illness. The group sessions provide peer support as well as advice from experts on important topics such as healthy eating for cancer patients, counselling to teach coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques, and legal advice on patients’ rights and help with writing a will to provide for loved ones in the future.
Participants commented;
“If it were not for the information I have acquired during legal aid day care, some of my relatives could have taken my properties rather than my children. Thanks to Nyeri Hospice team I now have my will in place”
“Support and sharing during day care has helped in motivating each other to face challenges positively”
Over the last 6 months Nyeri Hospice has helped over 1,000 patients with day care.
(Photo shows cancer survivors learning bead work during an occupational therapy day care session).