The HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening for early detection can prevent cervical cancer and save lives. In Kenya, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women and the most common cause of cancer deaths.
This Cervical Cancer Awareness Month we have helped Nanyuki Cancer Support Group to raise awareness of cervical cancer and offer screening for women in Laikipia County. In previous years the group found that the fear of turning out positive after screening drove people away from attending screenings, so volunteers have worked hard to reach women with accurate information about cervical cancer and explain the benefits of early screening.
The team who volunteered their time to screen women. Community Awareness Volunteer, Pauline Mbugua, talks to a group of women from Nanyuki Catholic Womens’ Association about screening. Community Awareness Volunteer and cervical cancer survivor, Lucy Wanjohi, speaks to women attending the event. Women were invited for cervical screening and girls ages 10 to 12 could attend for HPV vaccination.
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month – Screening in Laikipia County