In Kenya, countless people facing life-limiting illnesses are denied the chance to die with dignity and adequate care. While in the UK, hospice and palliative care are widely available, providing pain relief, emotional support, and holistic end-of-life care, most Kenyans lack access to these critical services.

In the Western world, individuals can often choose to spend their final days in comfort, with professional caregivers ensuring their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. However, in Kenya, the reality is far different. Limited hospice facilities, scarce access to pain management, and a lack of trained healthcare workers mean that many patients die in severe pain, often without the support of medical professionals or loved ones.

This stark disparity is not just about healthcare; it’s about human dignity. While many in the western world are able to die peacefully, the vast majority of Kenyans with terminal illness face intense suffering in their final days. Expanding hospice and palliative care in Kenya is crucial to ensuring that every individual, regardless of location or circumstance, can experience a compassionate and dignified end of life.

Hospice Care Kenya bridges this gap. We empower hospices, train healthcare workers and community volunteers, and support essential community-based palliative care services, ensuring more people receive compassionate care throughout their illness and at the end of life. With your support, we can extend this vital care to those who need it most.