Bonface Omosa, a 67-year-old retired teacher from Kisii County, was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer six months ago. This aggressive disease is often diagnosed late, causing severe symptoms like intense pain, weight loss, and exhaustion, all of which Bonface
Mr Omari’s journey with morphine in palliative care
Mr Omari, a retired police officer, led a healthy, active life before his diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer that had spread to his bones. In his search for a diagnosis his disease had advanced beyond treatment and his finances had
Valary’s story
Valary aged 17, lived a normal life as a teenager, enjoying school and living with her family in rural Eldoret. She first noticed her leg had began to swell in mid-2023. Initially dismissing it, her family soon sought help from
Celebrating the heroes behind HCK – our co-founder
Everything that has been achieved in Kenya by HCK over the past 30+ years, in the early days until now, is down to the hard work and generosity of many individuals; founders, trustees, staff and volunteers, our hard-working Kenyan partners,
The heroes behind HCK – the trustee
This hero story focuses on a Hospice Care Kenya trustee – Sharon Maweu. As a Kenyan, Sharon offer HCK valuable insight into Kenyan culture and contexts, as well as her valuable experience in the humanitarian sector. “As one of HCK’s
Celebrating the heroes behind Hospice Care Kenya – a long-term supporter
Everything that has been achieved in Kenya by HCK over the past 30+ years, in the early days until now, is down to the hard work and generosity of many individuals; founders, trustees, staff and volunteers, our hard-working Kenyan partners,
Anwyll’s story of hope through palliative care
Anwyll is a resilient two-year-old boy from Garissa County in east Kenya. He brought joy to his parents after the loss of their first child. Anwyll was a healthy, happy boy until he developed worrying symptoms with abdominal swelling, reduced
Peter’s story
Peter’s story is one of resilience and struggle. Together with Meru Hospice palliative care team, we recently met Peter Mutwiri at his home in a small, rural village in Meru County. Peter is a married father of two young children
Transforming the Rono Family’s Journey: Samwel’s story
In rural Kericho County, Samwel Rono and his family have been receiving life-changing support from our partner Oasis of Hope. Samwel’s health began to decline when he started experiencing back and abdominal pains. This once active farmer experienced a dramatic
Carlos’ story
This is Carlos, a young boy from Nakuru county who lives with cerebral palsy. Before discovering palliative care, Carlos lived an isolated life, unable to play or attend school. His family struggled both financially and emotionally to cope with Carlos’